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2) One should not cut their nails on Thursday,

as they will regrow on Shabbos.

At the risk of asking a silly question… they’ll grow on Shabbos if you cut them on Friday or any other day of the week. They don’t stop growing. So, can someone please explain this?

Secondly, even if they do grow on Shabbos, so what? It’s not a melacha — any more than it is for your hair to grow on Shabbos. So, what’s the issue?

If you’re going to tell me that it’s a kavod Shabbos issue (i.e. that they won’t be freshly trimmed for Shabbos), that I can understand. But I don’t get what the issue is with them growing *on* Shabbos (which they’re going to do no matter what day of the week you cut them on).

The Wolf