Reply To: Pasuk for name

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Lomed you basically have no idea what you’re talking about. There are some 2 names that are joined together sometimes, if the person wants to. For example, Dov Ber is generally joined as Dovber or Duber by Lubavitchers. But a name like Binyomin Zev or Arye Leib or Shraga Feivel, although the 2nd name is basically a translation such as Dov Ber, these names are always separate. The Torah can’t be considered an authority for giving names. There’s no halocho mamish for that. Also, people generally have a wrong idea of what 2 or 3 names in Judaism signify. Goyim have a 1st name and a 2nd name and often the 2nd name signifies something. Italian Catholics give a 1st name which is their birth name and the middle name is called a religious name, Often their saints etc, such as Michael. Irish Catholics generally give the 2nd name as a family last name, such as the mother’s maiden name, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, et al. When we give 2 or 3 names, they aren’t “middle” names. Each is a name. It’s almost as if we have only one 1st name which consists of 2 or 3 names. The minhag of saying a posuk, which is clearly for “remembering” your name after death in Beis Din shel maloh, should cover each name that a person has with a posuk. How that’s done can be in several ways. The way most people do is with a clear posuk with the 1st ois and last ois the same in the name and the posuk. If there is no posuk, then just figure something out to compensate. This whole idea is only a segulah to remembering. So use the segulah to the best of your ability.