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☕ DaasYochid ☕

The Shabbos lamp enhances Shabbos because it allows us to block out light to help us sleep.


The Shabbos switch, on the other hand, is an attempt to “kasher” a melacha on Shabbos, because it’s so “difficult” to have to go without flipping lights on and off on Shabbos.

It’s a subtle difference, but a big one.

I disagree. You wouldn’t have a lamp on if you couldn’t cover it, so the net gain is having light when you need it.

You may perceive the marketing as treating Shabbos as an inconvenience, and maybe that’s indeed the (very distasteful) marketing strategy, but the product itself can just as easily be used “to bring us additional delight and comfort on Shabbos”.

Aside from the significant melachah issues, the problems I have with it are that one can end up doing any melachah with a kosher switch – not true for a lamp, which is simply a cover, and the very fact that a melachah is taking place, as opposed to the lamp, is itself significant without the slippery slope argument.