Reply To: Kashrus at your neighbor's

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No worries I’ll help you understand. We all pasken “sheilos” all the time. The difference between the most people and a rav is where there knowledge ends. For that matter your Rav presumably has Rav that he asks when a question posed is out of his comfort zone.

For example If I ask you “what bracha do I make on an apple?” I assume you feel comfortable answering and won’t say “ask a Rav”

Say I keep asking:

“baked apple?”

“baked apple with ice cream?”

“Apple cake”

“what if eaten during meal”

etc etc

At some point the question is above your “paygrade” and youll say ask a Rav. And that is appropriate but not every question needs a Rav per se.

Taken a step further, there are questions well above youre Rav’s paygrade such as complicated End-of -life issues, that are above HIS “paygrade” and he will ask his Rav.

The only question that remains is where the chalv-stam question posed falls in the scale. I feel comfortable answering. OF course the poster is free to ask his Rav, and I am not insulted if he doesnt want to listen to anonymous poster in an online forum.

Hope you understand (even if you disagree)