Reply To: Should the wishes of racist parents that I not date their child be respected?

Home Forums Family Matters Should the wishes of racist parents that I not date their child be respected? Reply To: Should the wishes of racist parents that I not date their child be respected?

☕ DaasYochid ☕

DY, Matan- if a shadchan would call you up and redt a person of a different race to your daughter/son, do you really think that you would not be… I can’t think of the right word. Not horrified, but something close to it?

If your son/daughter would come over to you one night and tell you that they’re about to get engaged to a person of a different race, would you happily give them your blessing?

I’m not sure why this is addressed to me, but the answer to both questions is that you haven’t given me enough information about the shidduch. But no, the very thought of my child marrying a frum, ehrlich person who happens to be of a different race does not horrify me.

There’s also a big difference between the two questions. The first question is about considering such a shidduch, and there are practical issues, most notably the possible cultural differences.

The second scenario, where the shidduch is a fait accompli, is really about how much I care about superficial things and about my level of ahavas Yisroel. I certainly hope I would think and act properly in that, or any, situation.