Reply To: Listening to music on Lag Baomer… Is it only from the morning or even in the evening?

Home Forums Yom Tov Sefira Listening to music on Lag Baomer… Is it only from the morning or even in the evening? Reply To: Listening to music on Lag Baomer… Is it only from the morning or even in the evening?


This is a very interesting question. I never heard about waiting until the morning. Minhag Yerushalayim is a little odd on the “issurim” of sefira, where we keep until Rosh Chodesh Sivan, except for Lag B’Omer. What would happen with a chassanah on Lag B’Omer when it falls on a Friday and the only time to make such a chassanah would be on Thursday night? I saw that Biyaner Rebbe cutting boys hair last night on the streamed video from Meron. Can someone give marei mekomos about waiting until the morning for the hair cuts.