Reply To: Why Can't Women Get Modern Smicha and Become Rabbis?

Home Forums Bais Medrash Why Can't Women Get Modern Smicha and Become Rabbis? Reply To: Why Can't Women Get Modern Smicha and Become Rabbis?

🍫Syag Lchochma

You speak about this as if it is some sort of poison. Any new situation that emerges that isn’t spelled out black and white somewhere in the gemara or what not presents such a monstrous threat to hashkafa…

There is a lot of emotion in that response but it is not what he said. Taking his specific ‘complaints’ about women taking on men’s roles en masse, and calling it “any new situation…not spelled out. . .” is a gross alteration. You obviously have a great dislike toward his opposition but in regard to your attack on his viewpoint I would certainly say that if anyone here is doing this: and the gut reaction is to fight without even thinking about what you’re fighting. it aint him.