Reply To: Chiyuv for Shliach Tzibbur – Order of Precedence

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening Chiyuv for Shliach Tzibbur – Order of Precedence Reply To: Chiyuv for Shliach Tzibbur – Order of Precedence


Hershi left out a 5th categeory of Chiyuv:- the last day of the 11th month; such an individual is lower than a Shivoh or Sheloshim or Yohrzeit, but is higher than other “Yud Beis” Chodesh Mourners.

By the way, when talking about a Johrzeit having precedence for the Omud & Kaddish over a “Yud Beis” Chodesh Oveil & being on par with Sheloshim, this ia talking exclusively about the actual Hebrew calendar date of the Johrzeit. The Motzei Shabbos of the week running into the Yohrzeit, such an individual cannot take the Omud nor the Kaddish away from any Oveil. If there is no other Oveil at the Miyan, then such an individual is allowed on the Omud, if the Gabbai ok’s it.