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Avram in MD -“In my mind, what would need to be doncomesirst is a rapid assessment of the situation. If there was a lot of smoke in the house, or the fire was R”L obviously large, I would not bother with trying to extinguish the fire at all – just get everyone out as fast as possible, keeping low to the ground while moving inside the house. No smoke, I think everyone should be woken up and get out while I run and get a fire extinguisher. If the fire is small, I’d try the extinguisher on it. If it was large (bigger than what I’d make in a backyard fire pit), I would get out.”
Close, but no cigar. I’ll answer you, but don’t take it as knowing Fire – Safety. You still need a course from me or s/o else.
Look, I changed the scenario, you be right when it comes to your case, but not right with my scenario!