Reply To: Tragedy has fallen on all of us

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a mamin

I am quoting the editorial in today’s Hamodia” When learning of a tragedy of any sort, there is a natural inclination to make inquiries as to precisely what occurred and how it happened. Often, these questions are driven by a fear of this happening to us, and the subconscious desire to use this detailed information to distance our own circumstances from those of the victims and comfort ourselves with the thought that this couldn’t happen to us.

BUT as Torah Jews, we must seek to Quell this inclination with the realization that this IS about all of us!

Certainly, HISHTADLUS, for safety is obligatory at all times, but the primary reaction to this communal tragedy must be of spiritual


This is a time for each of us to make a cheshbon hanefesh, to look deep within the recesses of our own heart and seek the way to return to HASHEM.

However, in order to do so, we must fortify ourselves with emunah peshuta!