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Rudy Giuliani Names Three More Jews As Advisers

rudy.jpgThe Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee announced today several members of Mayor Giuliani’s foreign policy team. The team will advise the Mayor on a foreign policy vision that advances the United States as a world leader, while expanding America’s involvement in the global economy, strengthening the US reputation around the world, and keeping the USA on the offense in the Terrorists’ War on us. 

Ruth Wedgwood, Michael Rubin and David Frum were among seven additional advisers named Thursday by the former New York mayor’s campaign for the Republican presidential candidacy.

Wedgwood, like Giuliani a former federal prosecutor, is a terrorism expert at Johns Hopkins University. Rubin, now an Iran-Iraq specialist the American Enterprise Institute, was employed at the Pentagon at the outset of the Iraq war. Frum is a former speechwriter for President Bush who helped coin the phrase “Axis of Evil.”

They join a staunchly neo-conservative team that includes Martin Kramer, Norman Podhoretz, Stephen Rosen, and Peter Berkowitz – all Jews.

(Source: Rudy ’08 Campaign / JTA)

13 Responses

  1. Hakol Bidei Shmayim.
    Lev Sorim Beyad Hashem.

    What we have to do is daven to Hashem since it is only he that can help us and save us from that reshanta becoming president.

  2. I don’t think it’s appropriate to daven for a specific president; I think it’s much more important to daven that whoever does become president should act kindly to us and to our brethren wherever they may be.

  3. And the terrorists will still stroll across the southern border Rudy (a lawyer on Mexico’s payroll) won’t close.

    Still, despite being wrong on the borders and the Second Amendment (the FIRST FREEDOM specified in the Bill of Rights), Rudy’s orders of magnitude better than anyone from the Dhimmicrat party.

  4. who was that godol in early 20th century who waited to daven shacharit one morning in europe. he wanted to know who won the us presidential election before he davened? they told him, daven, you’ll find out later.

    no, he said. he has to say “shelo asani goy”, and he means, “shelo asani us president”

  5. This is in response to #3 and #6:
    While you are partially correct that you should not daven for a specific president. That is only true when the playing field is wide open (i.e. right now).

    However if the two nominees are Hillary and Giuliani, I would think IMHO that you have all the right to daven that the macsheifa does not come back to power with her husband who was the WORST president for Israel. (coming in very close to the biggest Israel hater Jimmy Carter.)

    I do not understand why our left leaning brethren are so enamored by those two.

    What is it with them two?

    All the time Bill was causing Barak to do the unthinkable during the nineties, these leftist could not get enough of Bill. And Now Hillary.

    She just does not understand terrorists. Rudy does.

    Therefore, Let us vote with our seychel even if he is “unqualified” #6 I have one question for you: Is he better than her? Yes or No.

    If yes, do the right thing and don’t sit on the fence. Look how close the election in 2000 was.
    Once the election comes down to two candidates it is our duty to vote. And then daven to the Riboono shel Olem that it should be good.

  6. To ani tapuach. NOONE IN THE WHOLE WORLD IS GOING TO VOTE FOR HILLARY. THE ONLY DEMACRAT PEOPLE WOULD VOTE FOR IS OBAMA BUT HE POPPED OUT OF NOWHERE>.GO RUDY GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. yeah #11:
    Go rudy go!! Rudy is the best!! #8:
    Wat are you saying hillary is crazy and anti Jews. Everyone please vote for rudy! GGGGGGGGGGGOoooooooooo Rudy!!

  8. reminder to #10 it was Rudy who tossed out Arafat (to the loud complaints of the state department)it was Rudy who threw out castro and it was Rudy who snubbed the Saudi sheikh and his check for 10 million after 9 11. i do not know any other politician who ever had the guts to do above.

  9. he was a good mayor, and the fact that he kicked out arafat doesn’t make him a good president,
    why would he be a good presiden because he was mayor during 9/11 ?
    if dinkins would have been mayor during 9/11 would you vote for him ?
    i think i’ll sit out this election, theres nobody worth runnig…everybody thats running is eather a antisemite or a lunatic.

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