Reply To: adopt a kollel

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Daya Zooger

Joseph: Neither does Adopt-A-Kollel. I presume there are multiple different arrangements, however from what I have heard, the adopting shul/community/ business does not cover even a third of the adopted kollel’s payroll.

Coffee: Aside for the cuts for kollel funding there were additional cuts such as stipends for large families that were drastically slashed. Such cuts were understandably catastrophic for many kollel families. Kollels had a greater pressure to pay more, and on time.

Parenthetically I may add, “they” didn’t start anything. One ‘Zakai’ was privileged to devise and carry out this unbelievable ‘zikui harabim’. May we all be zocheh to such awesome ‘zechuyos’ of our own. Amen.