Reply To: Prime Minister-elect Isaac Herzog

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Prime Minister-elect Isaac Herzog Reply To: Prime Minister-elect Isaac Herzog


The only way that will happen is if at least some or nationalist parties (Likud, Bayit Yehudi and most likely Yisrael Beiteinu) refuse to join a government that is will to meet the hareidi demands that there be no criminal sanctions for refusing to serve in the army.

Herzog can offer to end criminal sanctions, and probably will want to end conscription (switching to a volunteer/professional army), since he wants to include Arabs and far-left post-zionists in the government (and Yesh Atid will probably agree to support anything the equalizes the burden of conscript service – by abolishing it for everyone).

Bottom line on other issues: As long as the Palestinians aren’t willing to give up their claims to Eretz Yisrael (returning to the 1914 borders – Islamic control over the whole country), it doesn’t matter what the Israelis do. If the Arabs do finally offer concessions, such as by willing to accept the 1949-1967 borders as permanent and giving up their claims, then it will get interesting. As long as the Israelis strive to be a western Euro-American state, they probably have no hope of peace with the Middle East – so leaves out all non-hareidi parties from being able to to make peace.