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MAJOR Miracle At Baltimore Wedding Hotel

bal.jpgYeshivaworld has just been informed of a miracle which occurred at approximately 2:00PM this afternoon. A Chasuna was scheduled to take place this evening at the Bally Mansion Hall (in Hunt Valley near Baltimore). Many guests coming for the wedding had booked rooms at the nearby Embassy Suites Hotel. The Kallah was scheduled to take her wedding photos in the hotel at approximately 3:00PM, when her plans suddenly changed! At 2:00PM, the atrium of the hotel suddenly collapsed from the eighth floor – in the exact spot where the Kallah was supposed to take her pictures!

Bichasdei Hashem, no one was injured!

As ABC reported the story: “Shards of glass and metal beams can be seen mixed in with the landscaping at the Embassy Suites.  It came from eight stories above the lobby when the glass ceiling of the hotel’s atrium collapsed onto the floor below. Luckily, no one was standing in the atrium during the incident and there were no injuries.  Guest Faye Yemini says, “Can you imagine all those people in the building.  And none of them were injured.  It’s incredible, a miracle.”  Still, the collapse was a shock to guests standing near the lobby.  Rabbi Yossi Groner tells ABC2 the crash was deafening.  He says, “It was so frightening.  We looked up and it seemed like the whole building was collapsing.” 

The hotel was completely evacuated, and the guests needed to find alternate rooms in other hotels.

Yeshivaworld has been informed that besides for a slight delay in the wedding, Bentzion and Rochel Groner have just been danced out of their Chupa, and are B”H happily married! (8:00PM EST)

18 Responses

  1. Mazel Tov to Bentzion and Rochel Groner upon their wedding tonight. Mazel Tov to the entire kallah’s side including her parents, sisters, and brothers. Additional Mazel Tov to the whole Yeshiva World

  2. Remember the story of Rabbi Akiva’s daughter and the snake on her wedding night.

    Bentzion and/or Rochel must have done some gemilas chesed to be zoche to such a hatzalah min Hashamayim.

  3. The girl is a total tzadeikes. She does tremendous chasadim for people, and committed herself to pay for the tuition for girls she was mekareiv: a tremendous challenge for a young girl. and she raised it. You can be sure that Hashem wants her around!
    -from a baltimorean who knows a little bit about her.

  4. how about a new yeshivaworld poll:

    ****who would like yeshivaworld to substitute “chasdei Hashem” for “miracle” on all future such stories?****

  5. Dr Dre and Feivel:

    Kindly open your Orthodox Siddur to Shmonah Esrei. One of the last blessings is called “Modim”. Read these words VERY CAREFULLY. “V’al NISECHA Shebichol Yom Emanu” (And for the MIRACLES you provide for us daily).

    If this is not a ness, then I do not know what is! Of course it is Chasdei Hashem – and a ness to boot.

    As the old “Judea” song goes: “Those who dont see, are those who refuse to see, and Those who don’t hear, are those who refuse to hear”

    Here is to hoping that we are zocheh to see and appreciate all the hidden (and not so hidden) miracles that are part of our daily life.

  6. straight thinker:
    there is no need for condescension because you think differently than me.

    of course there are nissim every moment
    respiration is a nais.
    seeing is a nais.
    the rain is a nais.

    but these are not nissim we expect to be reported in a news article.

    the word has different appropriate meanings in different contexts.

  7. Feivel,

    True. But think about the catastrophe that c”v could have occurred, where hundreds of frum Jews could have r”l been killed. In my books that is a nais. Period.

    Sorry for the condescending comment.

  8. T.S. I guess others would only consider it a ness (nais) if everybody was standing directly under the atrium and no one got so much as a snag in their garments!

    i agree with your post #13

  9. You Lakewooders are so comical. First of all, it’s hilarious to see you all discuss (not necessarily in this set of comments) about news that one of your own is pulling off a famous Internet news web-site that has lot’s of schmutz every day. But as long as some other yid is doing it then you’re ok with it. I guess you ask other yidden to open bottles for you on Shabbos, too!

    In regards to this article, you are just missing the point! The fact that no one got hurt is a nais is immaterial. The fact that the ceiling fell is the amazing part and yad Hashem. Have you ever heard of such a thing before in the U.S.? The point is that Hashem made this event occur and saved/spared all these people from harm. FOR WHAT REASON?


    And what is that lesson? That Hashem isn’t saving Lakewood from the galus because of all the Kollel guys and women leaving their kids for goyim to raise. It didn’t help Rabbi Akiva’s talmidim. It didn’t keep the Bais Hamikdash standing, the Jews in Spain or my family killed in the Holocaust. Yes, it’s those middos tovos that the kallah and others (not enough of us) exemplify!

  10. Uh, tattybear?

    Perhaps you missed some of the article, but did you realize the event took place in Baltimore?

    Is there some special reason for the diatribe against Lakewood?

  11. The Main thing is Gila Rina Ditza V’chedva Shel Mitzva along with AHAVAH ACHVA SHOLOM V”REIUS.

    Just to clarify some of the details:

    The Kallah was supposed to begin pictures at 1:45 p.m. and was to be joined by her family at 2:15 p.m.

    However, inexplicably, the makeup artist never showed up to the hotel, so the Kallah had to leave the Hotel and go elsewhere and was therefore delayed for the pictures.

    Minutes before the crash young family members of the Choson where scattered around the lobby beneath the atrium but left to eat lunch in the hospitality suite.

    The maternal grandmother (in her nineties –
    Zol Gezunt Zein Ad Meah V’esrim Shana) of the Kallah, a granddaughter and a great-granddaughter
    were sitting underneath until 2 minutes before when (B’Nisei V’chasdei Hashem)they got up and left on their “own” accord. From when the ceiling began to crack until it hit the floor there were about 30 seconds of warning notice from the hotel staff – but the Bubby can’t move that fast.

    Mrs. Yemini (quoted above) and her husband were standing beneath the collapse moments before the ceiling hit the ground and escaped with barely a second to spare.

    The Choson and his parents were standing on the eighth floor outside their rooms and saw the first pieces of the ceiling come loose, bend and swing across in their direction but break off and fall before reaching them, B”H. The Choson’s mother was terrified, knowing that her young ones had been wandering below not too long before.

    It is K’DAI L’FARSEIM that on Chof Alef Iyar 5751, at the age of EIGHT or so, the Choson, quite unusualy, received an instruction/Bracha from the Lubavithcer Rebbe ZT”L (by Sunday Dollars) that when he will get married his wife should give Tzedaka before Bentching Licht. This seems to have hinted to and B”H carried the Choson through a severe 1-2 year battle with yeneh machla, Lo Aleinu, at the age of 16 and returned him to complete health, KE”H.

    Nistarim Darchei Hashem, but maybe part of the intention is (due to the great Zechusim of the Choson and Kallah) to strongly emphasize and greatly publicize (the news traveled around the world like wildfire) this Bracha and the great power it contains – to the extent that NOTHING could get in its way (even extraordinary things – as #17 mentioned, such a thing is unheard of. There are hundreds of such atriums around the country (this one was only 23 years old) and a collapse like this is (close to?) unprecedented; they’re still struggling to explain what caused it).

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