Reply To: Sam2 and R' Aharon Lichtenstein

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Sam2 and R' Aharon Lichtenstein Reply To: Sam2 and R' Aharon Lichtenstein

Patur Aval Assur

Apparently, I forgot how to properly blockquote.

The original post should be:

In a certain thread a while back, Sam2 alleged that t is well-accepted by many in the Chareidi world that no one has a greater Iyun in all of Rishonim than R’ Aharon Lichtenstein.

He was subsequently challenged:

I have never ever in the last 30 years heard anyone make the claim that you have made. Can you quote someone who has written or said so? (I just spent about a half hour on line trying to find some words of praise about him from the Chareidi world and found nothing. Not trying to discredit him, G-d Forbid, just trying to see if you know something that I don’t.)

I have found a source for something similar to what Sam2 was alleging:

In a shiur, R’ Aaron Rakeffet said:

I know (from? of?) students of mine who studied in Ponevezh; they told me there’s no one in Ponevezh that comes to R’ Aharon’s bekius (in? of?) Shas and Rishonim.

(The shiur was given 14 years ago.)