Reply To: Megilas Lester

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Megilas Lester Reply To: Megilas Lester


I seriously doubt children or adults of ANY age or intelligence will conclude that the “purim story” as portrayed in the video is based on anything other than the imagination of the videos creators. sure some ideas are based on midrashim, and actual pesukim as described in the megilla, that is to be expected. If anyone walks away from the video thinking that the reason achashverosh was awake at night was due to an upset stomache or that he wore fluffy bunny rabbit slippers or that mrs haman and vashti went to get their hair done at the mall I would worry about him/her. Of course it “distorts” the purim story, thats why it is a work of fiction. Is it any worse then “purim torah”?

Disagree. I think a kid might be confused and no longer know what parts of the actual purim story to consider true.

That is, even if you don’t think this is true, you might also no longer know what the morah in nursery told you is true.