Reply To: Good Forwards (Emails)

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*The Offical Shidduch Resume*


Name:_______________ Nick name:___________

Age:___________ Screen name:________________

DOB:____________ Sign:__________________

Place of Birth:

City:________________ State:______________ Country:__________

Hospital:_______________ Doctor:_______________ Midwife:_______________


With heels on:_______________

Without heels on:________________


Color Eyes:

With contact lenses:____________ Without contact lenses:_________

Religious Affiliation:

A. Jewish:

( ) FFB (Frum

From Birth)

( ) BT

( ) OT

( ) Out of towner

( ) Regular orthodox

( ) Modern orthodox

B. Education: Please star * anything that was co-ed

a) Playgroup:_____________

b) Preschool:_____________

c) Elementary School:______________

d) High School:_____________


essay why. (You may attach additional paper to the back of this


f) Day Camp:_____________

g) Sleep-away Camp:_______________

h) Seminary:_______________

*Why davka this one__________________________________________________.

*Was this your first choice? Were you rejected from any seminaries and if

yes, please




2) Are you really a hocker??

Check if you have any of these:

___ # of cellphone(s)

___ # beeper(s)

___ # of blowdrier(s)

___ Type of car(s)


___ TV

___ computer with email

___ computer with internet

___ computer with Koshernet

No____ Yes_____ (If yes, please specify # and which ones)



4) What midda really defines your character?_____________________.

5) What do you do to relax?

A. Eat

B. Get you nails/hair done

C. Go shopping

D. Talk on the phone

E. Say Tehillim

F. Design your wedding gown

6) How much food do you need to be satisfied?

A. One slice of pizza, french fries or onion rings and a diet coke

B. Half a burger or hotdog

C. Salad, salad, and more salad

D. 3 Chalav Yisrael Hershey Kisses

7) What are your eyebrows like?

A. I wax once a month

B. So thick I have to tweeze every-other night

C. Very sparse, I need to color them in

A. Doing chesed to counter-act the tumah

B. Watching for tips

C. Watching ER

9) Are your suits:

A. Long jacket, long skirt

B. Long jacket, short skirt

C. Short jacket, long skirt

D. Short jacket, short skirt (and how short?)

E. Suits, me? I go casual; denim skirt, Gap sweatshirt

10) How often do you buy a new Shabbos robe?

A. Once a year

B. Every time I see one I like

C. Whenever they go on sale

11) How many outfits do you go through on Shabbos?

A. 1-3

B. 3-5

12) How much time do you spend doing your hair before a date?

B. 10 minutes

C. 20-40 minutes

D. 60+ minutes

13) What do you use to do your hair?

A. Brush only

B. Blowdrier

C. Straightner/Curler

D. Gel/Mouse

E. All of the above

14) What brand of make-up do you use?

B. Whatever is on sale at Target

C. Mary Kay

D. Clinique/Lancome/Estee Lauder/MAC

A. New make-up

B. Third pair of Shabbos shoes

C. Lingerie

E. The skirt I saw Miriam wear last week


16) What kind of table cloth does you family use?

A. Disposable

B. Pink with lace

C. Classic white

17) What does your family serve for Oneg Shabbos?

B. Only Pashkes and Liebers

C. For those over 16- diet coke, 15 and under- fruit punch

D. Dried fruit

E. Nosh is only for those who clear the table

19) What time do you daven Shacharis Sunday morning?

B. I set my alarm for an hour before zman kriyas shema

C. My mother wakes me 5 minutes before chatzot

D. Shacharis Sunday morning?!

20) What is your monthly phone bill usually like?______________

B. Divrei Torah

C. Class pictures

D. Jokes and memories

E. Family pictures of girls with older brothers

22) When you see those chocolates on the coffee table, do you:

A. Begin drooling, but remember your bathing suit is only a size 4

B. Count calories

D. I will not succumb to this great taiva

23) What do you do if your date opens the car door for you?

B. Run back into my house and call the shadchan

C. I say thank you, and get in

D. Blush and get in silently

A. Lounge

B. Lounge

C. Lounge

25) If your older brother has a friend over for lunch, you:

A. Look down the whole meal

B. Blush when he asks you to pass the cholent

C. Talk about politics

D. Have an animated conversation until your father asks you to clear the


A. My mascara shmeared

B. My hair frizzed in the rain

C. He forgot my name

D. Too many quiet moments

E. When I sat down, my skirt went above my knees

F. Met too many of our ex-dates in the lounge

27) Why do you feel you are ready for marriage?

A. My parents are forcing me

B. I want a baby

C. I just came back from sem, a true kalah maidel

D. I can whip up a whole Shabbos in 3 hours

E. All my friends are

28) What does it take for a boy to get on your list:

B. 4 phone calls from prominent rabbanim

C. Money makes things move pretty quickly


E. If he attends the Mir

F. A blue eyed stud who knows how to dress

29) What do you feel is your supreme sacrifice for Torah?

A. Living on a kollel salary

B. Letting your husband learn half a day

C. Eating out only once a week

D. Driving a Camry (not a Mercedes or Rolls)

E. Doing my nails myself

30) Why do you think you should be chosen above everyone else?

A. I throw really cool parties

B. I wear a size 4

C. I have great yichus

D. I can talk on the phone while mopping the floor and holding the



E. I have a great personality, real modest

F. My grandparents left me a huge trust fund

31) What kind of engagement ring are you looking for:

A. A plain band

B. A nice 1 carat diamond

C. A big diamond surrounded by emeralds

I,_____________________ promise that everything I have answered above is


truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please help me Hashem.
