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wow i find this conversation hard to understand on sooo many levels!

the way i see it as a shidduch-aged girl,there are those who will always bash NY, “in-town”, whatever you want to call it, without really knowing what they’re talking about or having experienced the wonders of the kehillas here first hand. I’m not saying that we’re perfect; then again, no one is. I am sure that just as there are all different types here in NY, types you might not want your kids to be friends with or whatever, there are the same types out of town. I think the real difference here is that since we’re talking about more people, there is naturally more of each type, making it more obvious.

I get offended when i meet people from out of town and they’re surprised that i’m from NY; they tell me that they would’ve never have guessed because i’m not the “type”. And what exactly is the “type”?? I have a large group of 20 friends who are exactly like me, and i’ve gone to bais yaakov camps and met other NY girls who are like me as well. It is time to stop stereotyping and start opening up our eyes to CHOOSE to see the good!

🙂 glad i got all this off my shoulders, it was long in the coming!!