Reply To: Kosher Dunkin Donuts in Brooklyn?

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After reading all the comments I think I can summarize the discussion this way. Those who don’t eat Chalav Stam are jealous of those that do ( and don’t have to worry that their milk will be spoiled after one day)and feel if they can’t enjoy life as much as those that eat cholov stam the least they can do is try and make them feel guilty. On the other hand those that eat cholov stam feel that they need permission from those that don’t eat so as not to feel as guilty as they do. I myself enjoy cholov Stam and enjoy the drinks at DD ( the food is to fattening) and don’t need any permission from anyone besides My Rov.

p.s the microwave story is an old story and FYI the mashgiach removed the supervision and the Franchise did get in some trouble with the main headquarters.