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Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee NEED chizuk and Ideas ASAP!!!!!!!!! Reply To: NEED chizuk and Ideas ASAP!!!!!!!!!

☕ DaasYochid ☕

I agree with Gavra. Also with IvduEsHashemBsimchsa. Also with Dr. Seuss.

In addition, Shopping613, it’s very valuable to learn and review the halachos of particular issues which someone has difficulties with. In this case, for example, make a seder with a sefer, chavrusah, or attend (or listen to recordings of) a shiur in hilchos basar b’chalav and hilchos berachos. You may already know the halachos of the particular challenges which you face, but putting time and effo4t into it should still strengthen you. Hatzlochah, we’re pulling for you.