Reply To: Teaching kid shomer negiah?

Home Forums Seforim, Books, & Reading Teaching kid shomer negiah? Reply To: Teaching kid shomer negiah?


” Anyone know a book that is kid-friendly? Or anyone know how to teach this in a way that is not too open?”

“from what i understand, brotherofurs can not change this kids lifestyle by dictating who he should hang out with or change what society he is part of. yet brotherofurs want to teach this kid that even though others are not shomer, he should be. the question is how to teach him.”


Ongoing peer pressure and raging hormones versus some book (if it even exists) and a lecture. No contest. Try as you should, but don’t get frustrated or angry, not at yourself nor at him. You may plant seeds that will take hold eventually, but be patient and polite.

The best you can do is daven to Hashem to guide him away from bad influences. That is what Bruriah told her husband, Rebbi Meir, to do (B’rachot 10a).