Reply To: Attention Mods

Home Forums YWN Main Site & Coffee Room Issues Attention Mods Reply To: Attention Mods


“Why are there sometimes long times when no new posts appear?”

This was a serious question asked earlier, more than once, and really wasn’t answered properly by the senior mods. That’s for 3 reasons, the senior mods:

1. are always looking for an excuse to write something “funny”. the quotes just bought you the overnight shift at the convention

2. don’t like to reveal the secrets behind the scenes.

3. Sometimes they are just plain grumpy.

Here is what really happens:

Here we are in Moderation Headquarters, in the Central Moderation Room. Pacing back and forth. It’s hot in there. The air conditioning is broken again. The sweat drips into the styrofoam cup of strong black coffee. Nervously biting our nails, 26 and I are anxious. It’s been over 2 hours with no action. We are like racehorses waiting for the gates to open. All of a sudden we hear it, the siren! The lights above the board begin to blink. First yellow, then orange, we are sure that a fresh post is coming down the line, finally GREEN. We both put down our coffee, spilling some on the previously white carpet and rush to the controls, 26 getting there a split second ahead of me…and then **CLASSIFED** Moderator Security

Well you get the picture, many times it is the lack of anyone posting that causes the delay.