Reply To: A guy broke up with me after 10 dates

Home Forums Shidduchim A guy broke up with me after 10 dates Reply To: A guy broke up with me after 10 dates


A. While I hear why u might wanna go about dating without emotions, you can’t really expect a female to do that (ayin other threads about girls not able to learn I’m guessing)

B. I don’t think you shud get your hopes up to marry him when he changes his mind next year. U shud get over the break up, dust yourself off, and pick up those high heels once more.

C. No matter how it happened and who broke it of it’s always hard for both sides. Once I dropped a girl after 6 and after I pulled away I pulled over and just started screaming like a madman ($&?!). Time heals wounds, dw theres light at the end of the tunnel. You’ll get over soon, for now theres ice cream.