Reply To: Working Guys

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logician, I am profoundly insulted by your assumption that working full time means you cant learn. I know a (married) guy in his 20s who learns for an hour or 2 before davening at a 7 or 730 minyan before going to work and also has a night seder chevrusa for a few hours.

I’m calling garbage on this.

Does he learn for an hour before davening, or does he learn 2? Which one is it? That isn’t a small difference.

I gander the same way you don’t know if he learns an hour or 2, you also don’t know if he shows up every day, or if he learns at night, or if he goes to maariv at all.

I’ve never met a guy who works full time who even does daf yomi daily. Best I’ve ever found is someone who occasionally does a daf.