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IDF Nabs Last Terrorist in Ramallah Lynching 7 Years Ago

lynching.jpgOne can never forget those horrible, sickening images – of the bloody hands on the Arab terrorists who lynched the two IDF soldiers in Ramallah seven years ago. Thankfully, IDF forces in Shechem have arrested a 36-year-old terrorist who was involved in carrying out the lynching; according o a report by Ynet. The terrorist is also reportedly the last of the suspects in the incident to be arrested.

5 Responses

  1. The stupid Israeli Gov. will release him in the future, thus endangering the lives of the soldiers!!!! Even the secular Zionist gov is the idiots of the world STUPIDOS!!!!!

  2. now this picture should be taken down.
    this made me SICK when i looked at it 7 yrs ago.
    it makes me sick now.
    just something about it.

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