Reply To: Shtenders

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There are some designs that are more suitable for metal than for wood. Depending on the degree of adjustability, your requirements may fall into that category.


1) Height adjustment – would you like the entire shtender-top to be adjustable, or just the back portion, which will adjust the height and angle at the same time?

2) If the answer to “1)” is the entire top should move up and down, what is the range of movement you would like? Should it be variable or only two ranges – e.g. 3″ for sitting, 12″ for standing?

3) What angle adjustments and range do you have in mind? I assume zero (flat) to about 45 degrees is what you have in mind.

4) Is strength a requirement? Will you be placing a shas-gemora on the shtender? Leaning on it?

The most common table-top shtenders I’ve seen are the popular store-bought kind that have a base and sefer support, fold flat, and have a hinged piece of wood that fits into notches in the base to adjust the angle and height. These don’t have any type of storage compartment.

I’ve also seen a a similar design, but with three hinged pieces – the base, top, and an additional piece between them that allows the shtender to rise significantly higher. The supports for this one are metal, probably due to the need for greater strength and stability.

Have you seen anything that looks like what you’d like to build?

One thing I always try to do is see other designs and copy features I like.