Reply To: Any first-hand accounts of miracles or Ruach Hakodesh by Gedolim?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Any first-hand accounts of miracles or Ruach Hakodesh by Gedolim? Reply To: Any first-hand accounts of miracles or Ruach Hakodesh by Gedolim?


To Crisis of the Week and the OP:

There are plenty of counter-arguments to whatever this young man read on the internet. The internet is full of poor arguments for atheism. Have the kid speak to someone who actually knows something about science and philosophy. Depending on how sophisticated the child is, there are different books I could recommend.

As many have written, miracles are a poor basis for faith unless they happen to you personally (and even then “yesh belibo dofi”). That being said extended encounters with true talmidei chachamim past and present can be a very strong basis for faith, not based on miracles, but based on the combination of genius, integrity, and loving-kindness of the Gadol.

I have personally had borderline miraculous things happen to me where I have seen the efficacy of tefillah. When they happen your emunah is very strong, but after time passes and the impression lessens you start to rationalize them away.