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Columbia University President Calls Ahmadinejad “Cruel Dictator”

hitler21.gifThe Associated Press is reporting that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was introduced for his speech by the Columbia President Lee Bollinger, who said the Iranian President behaved like “a petty and cruel dictator.”

“Mr. President, you exhibit all the signs of a petty and cruel dictator,” Bollinger said, to loud applause. He said Ahmadinejad’s denial of the Holocaust might fool the illiterate and ignorant.

“When you come to a place like this it makes you simply ridiculous,” Bollinger said. “The truth is that the Holocaust is the most documented event in human history.”

Ahmadinejad who rose to applause, returned fire – by saying that Bollinger’s opening was: “an insult to information and the knowledge of the audience here.”

“There were insults and claims that were incorrect, regretfully,” Ahmadinejad said, accusing Bollinger of offering “unfriendly treatment” under the influence of the U.S. press and politicians.

44 Responses

  1. the idoit loves attention the more we feed him the crazier he get kets just block him out of the media all the networks and he will go insane (more)

  2. I listened to the entirety of the presentation at Columbia as broadcast live on the net. I am sure that the way Ahmadinajad spoke would be way over heads of many people logging onto However, if one listens to him in the entirety, one would have to say his presentation was excellent. And as for Bollinger, one has to assume that the Israel-First donors were breathing down Bollinger’s neck. Ahmedinajad said that it is not acceptable that someone invite a person as his guest and then subject him to insults. But he ignored the insults, and answered all questions well.

  3. By the way, why would Bollinger call him a dictator. Every informed person knows that according to the Iranian political system, the president is basically just a figurehead in terms of actual power. But then again, Bollinger had to throw red meat to the growling Zionist hysterics.

  4. I regularly read YeshivaWorld, and have a request. We all know what this rasha looks like. We all know what the other rasha looks like. Can the photos of both of them be removed, so that when we scan this site, we don’t have to look at these reshaim over & over again?

  5. Today Columbia had to listen to Achma-Nazi. We unfortunately have to listen to Dov Dov.

    Let me not forget a special thank you to Dov Dov for insulting the very diverse YW readership the world over. You are a gem of a person.


  6. Can anyone answer why people are still researching dinosaur bones but cannot keep researching things that happened 60 years ago?

    Can anyone answer WHY the Palestinians have to pay for what did or did not happen in Poland 60 years ago?

  7. He did not invite him as a guest, he allowed him to present his thoughts to a group of academics who chose to hear him. While I can’t tell you what Bollinger thinks about Jews, he can have a speaker in his school that he dislikes, disagrees with in the name of pluralism and education, if you can find something educational about that Rasha Y”S.

  8. What exactly do you propose to say didn’t happen in Poland that has relevance to Iran? As far as research, it is done to discover things previously unknown. There is a vast amount of information already available about “what did or didn’t happen sixty years ago in Poland” and much of it does not warrant additional research. A good place to start additional research may be the archives recently opened. If you have additional facts that warrant research tell us, he not your pants are no better than his.

  9. By the way, in proper debate people are not supposed to insult one’s opponent. That’s called argumentum ad hominem. So guys, let’s stick to the substance of the issues……

    Editors Response: Dov Dov, quite frankly, GET LOST. The tens of thousands of readers are not interested in hearing your filth spewed forth on this website. You are an obvious member of the terrorists organization known as Neturei Karta – and you are not welcomed here.

    As a side note to the readership, ”Mr. Dov Dov” constantly submits the most vile, disgusting, anti-Semitic, hate-filled comments – which we naturally just delete. When saying Velamalshinim at Mincha this afternoon – have these folks in mind. As one of the biggest Gedolim of our time told me “the biggest anti-semites are Yidden”!

    Guess what?  Here he is: “Mr. Dov Dov”!!

    This Gadol Hador has also told me the following: “I have no Safek that the Hitler from Iran is a ben-acher-ben from Haman Harasha”.

  10. mom18, your 10000% right!!

    This is a topic I wrote to the Yateed, Hamodia, and others. I got NO response!
    The nerve! אסור להסתכל בפני אדם רשע. Means it is ASSUR to look at a Rosho!
    So why does the ‘Torah paper that belongs in every Jewish home” print these pictures!!!

    Chas V’shalom to print a picture of a woman, past nisht… what about the ISSUR!!

    BTW: the Yatted once slipped up, and not only printed a picture of a woman, but a woman who is/was a rosha! When the US army printed up 52 playing cards of the 52 most wanted Iraqies, thre was one person on there who was a WOMAN!! And guess what, the AP made an image of ALL 52 cards and the Yatted printed it!!!! (A Rebitzin who was nifteres…Chas V’sholom, a Rosha merusha woman…ok)

    I’m sick of this double standard going on!! Besides these TREIFE pictures printed, they advertise ALL types of pictures / ads of LUXURY items, in my humble opinion – KENEGED HASKOFAS HATORAH!!

  11. what did dovdov do so wrong already? alright the second joke was irreverent, but in his first comment he made an accurate point. He achman+++++etc. is a powerful and convincing speaker(as was hitler), and even though he is totally off his rocker (as was hitler), he still has the power of speech.

  12. There is a difference between trying to investigate a past with no eye witnesses to the fact like dinosaur bones, or theories in physics in which there are no difinitive proofs. But the need to investigate one of the most well documented events in history, in which there were thousands of eye witnesses to what happened, is pointless. Unless, of course, you favor continued reaserch in such things as the roundness of the earth. Then your position, although nonsensicle, will at least be consistant.

  13. Yeshiva World, I hereby beg you on behalf of the YW readership to remove the sniveling evilness “DovDov”‘s comments from your website.

    There are many different types of people whose comments are welcome on YW, this Nazi is not one of them.

  14. I think it is very good for YeshivaWorld to show what he actually believes about freedom of speech. My words speak for themselves. But as I always say, frum Zionists are much worse than non-frum ones. Just look at the reactions to my calm postings! Other posters here believe only in self-congratulatory speech and speech to the converted. They don’t believe in true debate. It’s so reminiscent of the Soviet era of Pravda and Izvetsia. At least much of the internet is not like that!

    Editors FINAL Response: Which part did you not comprehend in your pea-sized brain?

    GO A-W-A-Y.

    And last I checked, this website is privately owned. We decide what gets posted here and what does not.

    Your comments will never be approved again.

    Yes we believe in debate. We do it here every day. But we will not debate with people who are Jew-Haters. Go to the white supremacist websites and curse the Jews out there.

    The Posuk states clearly in the Torah – Eisav Soneh Es Yaakov – I guess you know better then the words of Hashem. Rashi calls Yishmael “Per Adam”. I guess you know better than Rashi too.

    You my friend, are an outright Apikores. You and your band of uneducated misfits have embraced terrorists. People who have JEWISH blood on their hands. It makes no difference if they are Zionist Jews, or Torah Jews, or Satmar Jews, Or Sephardic Jews.

    Jewish blood is Jewish blood.


  15. 1. Please remove the pictures of these hamans.
    2. If dov dov is a yid (maybe he should double check), please don’t hate him. Daven that he comes around.
    3. As silly as some of their deeds are, the N”K are yidden. They have yiddish kinderlach.
    Let’s save our cries of hate for the terrorists.

    When Moshiach comes, ALL yidden will be there.

  16. YW Editor,


    This Gadol Hador has also told me the following: “I have no Safek that the Hitler from Iran is a ben-acher-ben from Haman Harasha”.


    I heard beshem a Yid from Iran that “Ahmadinejad” is actually more accurately pronouced in farsi as “Haman-dinejad.”

  17. Hey Dov Dov -why don’t u move to Iran – you’ll feel right at home! The rashoim there will understand your mindset.

    We won’t have to listen to your rantings because they tend to throw Yiddin into jail there, & there probably isn’t internet for you to blog.

    Just don’t come shnorring for Pidyon Shevuyim!!

  18. I agree with mom, take the pictures its bothered me on Debka for some time and now here as well.
    EDITOR any shot at reveling which Gadol hador?

  19. N’K are like the jewish KGB agents, jewish Malshinim, etc., etc., . We pray 3 times a day for them to be uprooted, broken, destroyed, humbled, and more.

  20. mr.dov dov acmadenajad go live in iron you will love it there they probly invited you to speak @ one of there schools to ………..

  21. To get back to the topic, Bollinger’s sharp opening statements did not justify the outrage of giving this terrible person a public forum.

  22. Just to elaborate a little further:
    When Klal Yisroel left Mitzrayim, only 20% (I believe that is the number) of them actually made the trip.

    In the Yemei HaMoshiach, the same principle (hopefully, with better numbers) will apply.

    NK Rodfim/Reshaim will never make it to the “hated Zionist country.” And by that I mean Eretz Yisroel for the NK sympathizers who will invariably say…

  23. a jew #29: I don’t specifically know who the editor is referring to here, but anyone who follows this site with regularity knows who his primary Da’as Torah is. The Mirrer Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Refoel Shmuel ben Gitel Berenbaum, shlit’a.

  24. article in post sounds like the last think those rabbis had in mind of being characterized…..

    FRUIT CAKE: Israel-hating rabbis from Jews United Against Zionism present Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with a silver fruit bowl yesterday to show their appreciation for his “love for the Jewish people

  25. Hi nuschus, I already e-mailed the New York Post article to the YW Editor for his perusal. I leave it up to his discretion if he would like to post it or not.

    I would like to very much thank the YW Editor for removing and blocking Dovdov’s posts. I too found them to be disgusting and debasing never mind anything that I ever heard my husband’s Rosh Yeshiva comment on concerning the NK. He definitely did not post with Da’as Torah in mind or anything that came close to the Torah or anything that was intelligent.

  26. I forgot to blog on previously that the only reason why Bollinger said what he did was because he is under pressure from his Columbia big money donors to boot the rosho out or go schnorr from somewhere else for their planned expansion into West Harlem!

  27. Clarity:
    When we left mitzrayim, since many jews didn’t make it, golus followed. It is written that the final golus EVERY single yid will be there.
    The sooner the ‘good’ yidden forgive and accept the ‘slipped’ yidden, the quicker we reach the goal.
    Kol yisroel areivim.

  28. shlepper i think you need more clarity

    you say:
    “It is written that the final golus EVERY single yid will be there.” where in the world is that written??
    certainly no one says that. (except perhaps the “slipped” yidden).

    if one doesnt believe in Moshiach he will not be there to see him. this is a very well known and accepted principle.

    this is painful
    what you say is much more pleasant, unfortunately it’s just your wish, not the truth

  29. Did anyone ever here this poem? I think it is quite important.

    ‘T was the night of the Geulah, — And in every single Shtiebel
    Sounds of Torah could be heard — Coming from every kind of Yeedel.
    This one in English, — Some in Hebrew, some in Yiddish.
    Some saying P’shat — And some saying a Chiddish.
    “The time has come — For My children to be freed.
    “Rouse the Moshiach — From his heavenly berth.
    Have him get in his chariot, — And head down to earth.
    “The Moshiach got dressed — And with a heart full of glee,
    Went down to earth and entered — the first Shtiebel he did see.
    “I am the Moshiach! — Hashem has heard your plea!
    Your Geulah has come! — It’s time to go free!
    “They all stopped their learning; — This was quite a surprise.
    And they look at him carefully, — With piercing sharp eyes
    “He’s not the Moshiach!” — Said one with a grin,
    “Just look at his hat, — At the pinches and brim!”
    “That’s right!” cried another — With a grimace and frown,
    “Whoever heard of Moshiach, — With a brim that’s turned down?”
    “Well,” thought Moshiach, — “If this is the rule,
    I’ll turn my brim up — Before I go to the next shul.”
    So he walked right on over — To the next shul in town.
    Sure to be accepted, — Since his brim was no longer down.
    “I’m, the Moshiach!” he cried, — As he began to enter
    But the Jews wanted to know first — If he was Left Right or Center
    “Your clothes are so black!” — They cried out in fright.
    “You can’t be Moshiach–You’re much too far right!”
    “If you want to be Moshiach, — You must be properly outfitted.
    “So they replaced his black hat — With a Kippah that was knitted.
    Wearing his new Kippah, — Moshiach went out and said:
    “No difference to me — What I wear on my head.
    “So he went to the next shul, — For his mission was dear.
    But he was getting frustrated — With the Yidden down hear.
    “I’m the Moshiach!” he cried, — And they all stopped to stare,
    And a complete eerie stillness — Filled up the air.
    “You’re the Moshiach?! — Just imagine that!
    Whoever heard of Moshiach — Without a black hat?”
    “But I do have a hat!” — The Moshiach then said.
    So he pulled it right out — And plunked it down on his head.
    Then the shul started laughing, — And one said ” Where’s your kop?
    You can’t have Moshiach — With a brim that’s turned up!
    If you want to be Moshiach — And be accepted in this town,
    “Put some pinches in your hat — And turn that brim down!”
    Moshiach walked out and said: — “I guess my time hasn’t come.
    I’ll just return — To where I came from.
    “So he went to his chariot, — But as he began to enter,
    All sorts of Jews appeared — From the Left, Right, and Center.
    “Please wait – do not leave. — It’s all their fault!” they said,
    And they pointed to each other — And to what was on each other’s head.
    Moshiach just looked sad — And said, ” You don’t understand.”
    And then started up his chariot — To get out of this land.
    “Yes, it’s very wonderful — That you all learn Torah,
    But you seem to have forgotten — A crucial part of our Mesorah.
    “What does he mean?” — “What’s he talking about?”
    And they all looked bewildered, — And they all began to shout.
    Moshiach looked back and answered, — “The first place to start,
    Is to shut up your mouths — And open your hearts.

    Please, why cant we all just get along?

    “To each of you, certain Yidden — Seem too Frum or too Frei,

    But all Yidden are beloved — in the Aibishter’s eye.”

    And on his way up he shouted: — ” If you want me to come,

    Try working a little harder — On some Ahavat Chinam!

  30. Shlepper,

    Thanks for writing and Feivel thanks for the support.

    Back to you Shlepper:
    There is no “forgiveness and acceptance” of rodfim/reshaim – I believe you are thinking of a different religion. (sarcasm – I know, but really frustration more than anything)

    When they stop endangering Yiddishe lives, and ask for MECHILA for their errant ways – that is when we can start the forgiveness/acceptance process.

    Looking forward to ALL of Klal Yisroel joining us on “the wings of eagles,” but not really expecting it.

  31. Feivel:
    I think the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt”l (as well as the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe zt”l) said it more than once, quoting various sources, and explaining verses that seem to contradict this.
    “No Jew left behind!”
    We need to improve our hearts and forgive even those amongst us that hurt us. Possibly we might be to blame for their slippage.
    The Baal Shem Tov zt”l said, that a minor sin of a “ehrlicher yid”, even if only in thought, can trigger a “low” yid to do a grave sin. And guess who is held reponsible? I don”t want to guess.
    I’d rather forgive. It might be myself that I am forgiving…

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