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you are right, you may have been out a couple of years but those who were there know that nothing has changed and nothing is going to change for at least the next 100 years or so.

i lived there, grew up there and so i know.

Leah2222 – chocandpatience was more accurate

Zahavasdad –

although i havent always seen eye to eye with Yechezkel, in this instance he is right, i dont think this forum is the right place to discuss certain disasters that have occured in certain communities, lets not play dumb

nevertheless, in all fairness, i know of a number of shudduchim that came about as a result of a boy and girl standing behind each other at the counter before these rules were in place, one i know of is very happily married for over 30 years…..

i am not sure who took the shadchanus though, maybe old Mr. Stenhouse.