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The only chizuk one can give is to be mechazek ourselves in bitachon. We have never seen such a generation where our children, nebich, are so discouraged and disgusted with society that they choose the street over a home. It so goes against the grain of our history that it can only be Hashem’s plan, and just like in any nisayon, Hashem tests us so that we grow in bitachon. We need to remember that children are not “ours”, rather they are a pikadon from Hakadosh Baruch Hu, given to us for safekeeping, but are actually “His”, and their journey in life is not dictated by us, but by Him. This is true for all children, all child rearing is siyata d’shmaya, it’s just so easy for one to forget when everything goes ok. How much chizuk a parent can get from the Torah with the maaseh of the children of Yitzchok Avinu, or even Chizkiyahu. Everything is His plan. May we be zocheh to the day that we understand it all, bimhera.