Reply To: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel

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gavra, I forgot to mention that Satmar, although they have very strict tznius guidelines, have a pretty diverse oilem.

There are women who wear only shaitlech and there are women who wear shaitlech with hats and there are women who wear shpitzlach (headscarf). There are fashionably dressed women (I’m not talking about pritzus) and women who think it’s an aviera to dress fashionably. There are people whom you can call baal habatish (men included) in lifestyle and dress, there are simple people and peopel in between. Bekitzur, while it’s true that Satmar has a stricter tznius code, there are all kinds of people in that group. I can say the only thing the majority of Satmare all over the world share equally is their anti-Tzioni shitta.

Btw, Ittisa, if you don’t want to know what flouncy means I won’t enlighten you. 🙂

P.S. In my previous post, the second to last paragraph is unclear. I meant to write that the reason why these chumros are crucial to our observance of halacha is because the modes of dress and lifestyle continuously change and therefore the chumros that our Gedolim decree and minhugim that evolve in klal Yisroel, allow us to adhere to the letter of halacha in every generation, since Matan Torah.