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I hear you. However, when girls don’t “chap” it might be because when teaching them about personal tznius in dress and in action, no one speaks plainly to them about why tznius is crucial, and they are as yet, too innocent to understand the ramifications on their own. All the comments of “kol kvoda bas melech pnima” won’t cut it for the girl who might need to be told without fanfare and straightforwardly,”When a girl dresses in such and such a way, the biological reactions that Hashem gave to men, might lead them to have inappropriate thoughts and physical responses to what they see. Hashem designed us this way for a good reason, but not unless the time and circumstance are filled with kedusha, such as in marriage.”

Merely telling a girl she should dress modestly because it is the right thing to do, does not enhance her understanding of the negative results of her failure to dress and act modestly. Hence, they do not always “chap” because no one has ever actually told them what happens when they wear short, tight clothing. In kallah classes, they are very frank with girls. Any girl who is old enough to be considered (almost)a kallah moid, should be having similar instruction in high school IMO.