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Thank you for correcting me on this point of where the source is. You are correct: the Gemara does not say the Mazal Dli portion of the phrase. But again, there are reputable Seforim (Ibn Ezra and others) that do expand on the phrase.
I am familiar with the events/stories that the Gemara reports, but the Gemara does not have a formal discussion about astrology. It is mentioned in many places, but it is more of references/stories, as opposed to a full-blown theological/astrological discussion on the topic.
The Ralbag held that if a person has the intellectual capacity to understand these things, then it is a Mitzvah to study it as one of Hashem’s creations. He writes this in Milchamos Hashem.
A respected told me, when I asked a very well-respected Talmid Chacham if it is ok if I study astrology, he responded and said, “If it brings you closer to Hashem, then you may”
And it does – for me.
However, I respect your thoughts on this, because at times, it can be challenging.