Reply To: An End To Accident Pictures

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In response to the moderator, I expect nothing less of a regular newspaper than to publish such pictures. Of course, they have their limits as well. But Yidden?! The whole thrust of my post was to emphasize this is appealing to base desires and sensationalism, as a poster said, and have no place in a machaneh that touts itself to be alligned, affiliated, and dedicated to a Yeshivishe derech hachaim.

What a great change to the site it would be now that tuf shin ayin has entered, that you do away with this.

I also want to emphasize that these aspiring journalists should REPORT these accidents so that the olam can daven for those who are injured. But pictures?! Treif as can be. Please take them off taikef u’miyad!

I am gratified that all of you agree. I expected nothing less from our am hakadosh!