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sw33t -“Health: Like I orginally said, I think that the main difference between college brainwashing and Jewish school brain washing is that in college I had the ability and the CHOICE to just write what the prof wanted to hear and move on with my life. If I disagreed with what they said- it’s because I have a different opinion. In Jewish schools I often felt like if i disagreed with what a teacher was saying that meant there was something “differnt”, “bad”, or “wrong” with me.”
And what you didn’t understand is the differences that I wrote. In college most people are Not there to take on the views of the Prof -so they have no business throwing them at you.
In BY the purpose is to take on their views or Hashkofas, otherwise you don’t belong there. Noone that I know was ever forced to go to BY or any Jewish school.
So this whole notion of BY is brainwashing you is ridiculous. If their Kollel and e/o a teacher views bother you -don’t step foot in the school.
As opposed to college, me and e/o else I know went to get a career, not to hear s/o spout their crazy views. Once upon a time this country was somewhat normal -you could just get a degree by just studying the subject material and then you could get a job. Then came along colleges and said you must be well rounded and threw in other things like English. I’m not even talking about the ones who make you take all these left, liberal courses which are mostly against the Torah. If I have to take English, I don’t need to be subjected only to readings that surround Woman’s lib.
If it wouldn’t be for this college exposure, the left wouldn’t have any influence in this country!