Reply To: Why are tefillin removed before the recitation of hallel?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Why are tefillin removed before the recitation of hallel? Reply To: Why are tefillin removed before the recitation of hallel?


1st weekday Chol haMoed Pesach waiting until after Sheslishi is not exlusive to Yekkes, and is kept on till then, so one can Kiss the tefiilin as Parshas Tefillin is being read from the Toroh.

On Chol haMoed Sukkos Tefillin must be removed prior to Hallel as they may possibly constitute a Chatzitzah when when holding Arba Minim, such that even Chazzan has to remove them prior to Hallel, whereas on Chol haMoed Pesach the Chazzan keeps them on until after Hallel since avoiding Tircho dTzibur trumps the Yom Tov atmosphere of removing Hallel prior to Hallel.