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I just think it is insensitive to most people especially post Sandy when there are 100’s of families who lost their homes or sustained huge damage to market $40,000 watches so rich guys can show off. I’m not rich I’m not poor Id say I’m upper middle class. I can’t afford a 40,000 watch and I can’t imagine any self respecting person would wear one. Its gayvah and tayvah and probably trying to poke out yenems eyes. You know if you are wearing some expensive rolex or whatever that you are making a statement. You do it anyways because you like the image and all that. Its certainly not within the guidelines of hatzneia leches im elokecha. It also brings ayin hora. Its just recently that I noticed such ads. I. the past the ads have been for more modest jewelry like chasson watches…this really raises the bar and is inappropriate. Feel free to disagree but I feel like advertising a $40,000 + watch is no different than advertising Bentleys and Rolls royces and feraris to the frum community. Is this what we are all about?