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1. Marriage rates always fall during periods of economic decline, in all societies. That’s because rational people are reluctant to start families if they don’t have parnassah.
2. Given the women almost never die in childbirth anymore, and the virtually all pregnancies result in viable babies (unlike the recent past when it was common for a woman to need many pregnancies to produce two offspring who lived to adulthood, and probably she would die in the process), delayed marriage is hardly a disaster.
3. If there is truely a “shidduch” crisis, we would be hearing about elementary schools closing due to lack of students, and unemployed teachers looking for alternative careers due to lack of work. This isn’t happening.
4. Everyone starts out in a shidduch crisis which lasts until they get married. Except for Adam ha-Rishon who had some unique issues, divine intervention isn’t needed to resolve the matter.