Reply To: Pesach – Staying Home vs. Going Away

Home Forums Yom Tov Pesach Pesach – Staying Home vs. Going Away Reply To: Pesach – Staying Home vs. Going Away

🍫Syag Lchochma

I am with achosid on this one. Some people have legit reasons for going to a hotel for Pesach but I really feel it is the wrong thing to do. Besides the fact that cleaning for chametz is supposed to be a process equal to ridding ourselves of our yetzer hora, and how we clean is sometimes very telling about how we go about ‘cleaning’ ourselves.

I also see being in the hotel to be so indulgent and the activities are so contrary to what we should be spending our time on.

This year I don’t feel like I am coping, life has been a bit difficult lately and I believe Pesach will magnify my losses of family members. I would love to pick up and go anywhere for Pesach, but I would hope I could stay true to my beliefs if push came to shove. Instead I am wishing for an empty house in a new town where it still ‘just us’ but with a fresh feel. (a woman can dream, can’t she?)