Reply To: How much is a woman's Torah worth

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Glad to oblige, DY, by saying what you felt you couldn’t say as a guy.

Regarding women’s da’as not being “mechuvenes l’hislamed”, I understood that to mean that their minds are not inclined (or directed) to a position where they let themselves be taught. Not saying women are necessarily lacking intelligence, but lacking the frame of mind or mindset to absorb the knowledge in a disciplined manner. This may be what results in “divrei havai” instead of Emmes.

(As a woman I may have had more occasion than some male posters to hear learned women expound on their Torah studies. I have noticed a tendency to try to create a nice picture of a piece of mussar they wish to impart by fabricating a conclusion based mostly on their own creative imagination of p’sukim, and less on solid sources. Men will argue a point based more on recorded precedent in a search for Emmes, not for a happy ending and justification of their own theorems.)

There is no way I can disagree with the Rambam’s assessment of most women’s minds, but if someone wants to tell me I’m not reading the Rambam correctly, I’m open to that.

As for the “metzuveh” aspect of learning Torah, I did mention that on another thread, but I’m no way learned enough to have quoted this Rambam off the top of my keyboard.