Reply To: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF)

Home Forums Controversial Topics Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) Reply To: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF)

Avram in MD


My question is simple: how can the Rambam actually “pasken” (remember, this is Moshne Torah that ratifies halochos)that the Moshiach will wage war against our opressors (he calls them “milchamos Hashem)if the “sholosh shevuos” that prohibit rising up against the gentiles is halacha? Clearly, the Rambam did not accept that the shevuos are halacha and that we are bound by them,as he explicitly paskens against them.

I do not know enough to get into the discussion about the practical applications of the shalosh shevuos. From what I understand, however, the vows are in effect only when the Jewish people are ruled by non-Jewish nations. In the days of Moshiach, the Jewish people will not be ruled by non-Jewish nations, but by Moshiach, so the vows would no longer apply.

Based on the logic in your question, you would also have to ask how it is possible for a nazirite to cut his hair and place it on his korban, when the halacha clearly is that a nazirite does not cut his hair?