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Turner: David Weprin Owes Ed Koch An Apology

Former New York City Mayor Koch, 86, a beloved Democrat who crossed party lines to endorse Queens businessman Bob Turner for Congress, criticized career politician David Weprin (D) last week for telling untruths to Queens and Brooklyn senior citizens – in attempt to frighten them —  about Mr. Turner’s position on Social Security and Medicare.  Mr. Turner has firmly and repeatedly pledged to protect Social Security and Medicare benefits for seniors.

In response late Friday – when Weprin presumably believed few would notice – the career politician viciously and disrespectfully lashed out at the senior Democratic statesman, rudely calling former Mayor Koch through a spokesman “annoying and deliberately misleading.”

“David Weprin owes Mayor Koch an immediate apology,” Mr. Turner said today. “Ed Koch is a New York icon who deserves respect.  The Mayor calls things as he sees them – and he sees David Weprin engaged in inappropriate politicking.  The people of New York deserve better than that that, and so does Ed Koch.”

In a recorded telephone message delivered to tens of thousands of Queens and Brooklyn households on Friday morning, Mayor Koch told seniors:

“This is former Mayor Ed Koch.
“I’m calling set the record straight on something.
“David Weprin is making phone calls trying to scare seniors. They’re NONSENSE. Weprin should be ASHAMED of himself.
“Bob Turner is running for Congress to PROTECT your Medicare and Social Security.
“It’s why I ENDORSED BOB TURNER for Congress.
“If anyone tries to scare you with LIES about BOB TURNER, tell ’em ED KOCH told them to KNOCK IT OFF.
“BOB TURNER is the BEST candidate for senior citizens in this race.
“Don’t believe anything else.
“Send Washington a message:  Vote for Bob Turner for congress on September 13th.
Bob Turner is supported by Rudy Giuliani, the Liberal Party and me.”

Mr. Weprin has yet to comment on his Friday outburst.

(YWN Desk – NYC / Press Release)

4 Responses

  1. Weprin is getting desperate…and for good reason. Whatever his PERSONAL religious leanings are, they don’t reflect his political actions…and everyone is aware of that. He is nothing more than an opportunitist…a career political opportunitist. When it was convenient for him he SWITCHED positions with his brother. On the other hand, everything that has come out about Turner shows him as a real mensch. Just yesterday, a major newspaper ran a story how 20 years ago he and his wife adopted a child whose mother was dying.

  2. “Meanwhile, Republican City Councilman Peter Koo has endorsed Weprin”:

    Has anyone even heard of Peter Koo? How many people will vote for a candidate based upon a councilman’s recommendation? I for one won’t, let alone a no name politician. His endorsement and $2.25 will help get Werpin on a subway.

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