Reply To: Awkward kashrus situation – advice?

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In the charedi world generally people will listen to what the Rabbi says without question (assuming its an orthodox rabbi)

In the more modern and especially in the non-orhtodox world, the Rabbi needs to be more persuavie. A Hillel rabbi on a college campus cannot come off the same as a Charedi Rabbi and dictate to the students what to do, they will just leave.

It is not an easy position to be in and the example of egalitarin Minyan vs Halachic minyan is a tough one for these rabbis. You have to persuade people to come to the Halachic minyan vs the egalitarin one rather than order them.

Many here wont like this, but on a college campus there are all sorts of people and the OP might be the first frum person many of these non-religious or non-jews ever meet. Its very important to give a good impression of Yiddishkeit. coming off as standoffish or elitist is not a kiddish Hashem. The people who see this will not get a good view of Yiddishkeit.