Reply To: Continuation of Discussion on R' Slifkin and Weiss from Manchester Eiruv Thread

Home Forums Controversial Topics Continuation of Discussion on R' Slifkin and Weiss from Manchester Eiruv Thread Reply To: Continuation of Discussion on R' Slifkin and Weiss from Manchester Eiruv Thread

Patur Aval Assur

You did not answer either of my questions.

1) Do you agree that I have provided ample basis for the notion that Chazal may have relied on faulty science?

2) Assuming that Chazal did rely on the aforementioned science, we need to decide how to apply the halacha. R’ Dessler says that the halacha wasn’t based on the science. The Dor Revii says that the halacha can’t change once it was codified by Chazal. R’ Slifkin adopts the latter position. What about this position is kefira?