Reply To: Continuation of Discussion on R' Slifkin and Weiss from Manchester Eiruv Thread

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Sam2- your point about “corporealism’ is interesting. Some very serious rishonim maintained that view and I would be very reluctant to call them “kofrim”. It is only after the Rambam wrote the thirteen principles (actually written in Pirush Hamsihnayos) that this became the guiding path. And- you probably know this- the first chelek of the Moreh is totally dedicated to show that the allusions to corporealism in Tenach are just allegorical. The Rambam goes to great lengths to refute this opinion so it is clear that it was current in his time. BTW- there is an interesting “kuntros” on this matter written by (yup!) Rabbi Slifkin,entitled “Was Rashi a Corporealist?” (I have it). I think it appeared in Tradition some years ago. You will see that it was a view quite prevalent a thousand years ago.