Reply To: Abused Husbands

Home Forums Family Matters Abused Husbands Reply To: Abused Husbands


Mussar s meant for those who want to better themselves, to know how to go about it. I don’t know of any Baal Midos Ra’os who became convinced through Mussar Sefarim that he must change. When he witnesses the contrast between himself and a normal person, that can sometimes trigger a desire to change. An astute Mashgi’ach or Rosh Yeshiva can personally work on such a person. It is more so the job of the parents to pick it out and try to correct it.

The Yeshiva is a place to learn Torah, it is not a clinic. Nor is the Yeshiva a replacement for good parenting. If anything should be done about such behaviors, it should be in the direction of educating parents how to deal with situations and behaviors. Perhaps you want to organize classes or give out books, or dedicate an hour on Talkline Communications for parenting methods.