Reply To: Mussar from current events

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Avram in MD


On the other hand, if your question is what should the Zionists do to stop their ill-conceived and shmad-fueled rule of Eretz Yisrael, as in what Teshuva can they do?

Yes, that is my question, albeit rephrased 🙂

The very least they could do is stop shmading our brethren and they could also renounce Zionism in favor of Judaism, for starters. True, there are other significant issues remaining. But that would be a good start.

Ok – now we’re getting somewhere, maybe. You’ve restated my hypothetical situation as your first step: the Zionists have renounced Zionism stopped “shmading” the Hareidim. Now… what happens next? It’s the “significant issues remaining” that I want to know about.

Perhaps you believe that were the Zionists to make such a teshuva, Moshiach would come right away so we wouldn’t have to deal with the remaining issues. That’s a fair belief, but as we do not know exactly when Moshiach will come, I think it is fair to ask, “what should we do next”?

Do we disband the governmental services and army of Medinat Yisrael and let the chips fall where they may? That would be disastrous from a utilities, services, and get slaughtered by the Arabs perspective.

Do we propose to Jordan, the Arab League, or the UN to take over control of Eretz Yisrael, provided they ensure the safety and security of the resident Jews? What if they refuse to agree to that provision? And even if they did, I’m not sure those bodies would be willing or able to enforce such an agreement and stop the ensuing Arab attacks and expulsions against Jews, Hareidim and repentant Zionists alike.

Do we attempt to alter the existing State institutions to fit halachic requirements as best we can until Moshiach comes to take the throne of Am Yisrael, setting up a council of sages to guide this effort? This scenario seems appealing to me in principle, but what about the three oaths?