Reply To: Manchester Eiruv

Home Forums Bais Medrash Manchester Eiruv Reply To: Manchester Eiruv


“We need more rabbis like Rabbi willig.”



When a certain person was matir the original london eiruv, despite it having a pirtza of more than ten amois, unless one uses the chazoin ish shi’ur lekula, then many others, including R’ padwa and R’ E’ halpern refeerred to those who carry as mechalelei sabbos. The person in question went to Maran R’ Michel Ywhuda Lefkowitz, and without telling details of the story told him that people are calling him a mechalllel shabbos. Marna hagrmi”l wrote a letter saying that one may nott refer to him as a mechallel shabbos – although he was being matir carrying without a kosher eruv!!!!!!!!


We need more Rabbanim who are prepared to stand up for the tora.


If an eruv is good, then aderaba, but one must first ascertain whether it is good.



/{the london Eruv has since been improved.