WATCH: An Interesting Halachic Analysis In Minhag Of Reciting Parshas Haman As Segula For Parnassah

5 Responses

  1. This so called Segulah of saying it on Gimel Beshalach – Shnayim Mikrah v’Echod Targum – is a HOAX!!!

    People, relax. It has no mekor in the name of R’ Mendele Rimnover. Many old Rimanover Chaseedim were asked about it and no one knew of it.

    There was a guy who came up with this story, and when no one bought the bologna he decided to re-print a sefer of the Rebbe where he published this hoax

  2. I once again lodge a protest for the promulgating of a complete fiction. Reb Mendel of Rimanov NEVER said anything about the Tuesday of Parshas Beshalach. This was contrived in the late 1940’s by someone in NY, and it is a complete falsehood to attribute it to any tzaddik. There are a few articles and threads on this subject, and there is no quoted reliable source. There is a published quote from Reb Sholom of Stropkov, but this comes from someone who said it for the first time on the American shores in the late 1940’s. There is good reason, based on Yerushalmi and reputable quotes from tzaddikim of much earlier generations about reciting it EVERY DAY. No one can argue that it should not be said. But to push an untruth in the name of a tzaddik is unacceptable. The fabrication of segulos and minhagim is problematic. There is basis from early sifrei kabalah regarding saying it שנים מקרא ואחד תרגום. But there is nothing, absolutely nothing regarding Tuesday of Beshalach. As I commented in another thread (I think in the CR), descendants of Reb Mendele who actually come from Rimanov themselves never heard this minhag/seguloh. Parshas Hamohn is always good, but when it is used to concoct a new seguloh, we have a problem.

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