WATCH: Animal Rights Activists Protesting Kapparos In Boro Park On Motzei Shabbos

6 Responses

  1. While individuals may choose to use a live chicken to schlug kaporos, it is certainly not a chiyuv and there are other options through which they can be yotzeh including using a fish or simply coins and donating to the poor afterwards. If some groups insist on using live chickens, they should be held to the highest standards of cleanliness and humane treatment.

  2. I have to agree with the protestors. The kapporos places in BP keep chickens in horrible conditions. It is tzaar baal hachaim exemplified. Many chickens die of heatstroke and thirst. Many rabbonim have called on the tzibbur to avoid enabling tzaar baal hachaim and do kapporos with money or a fish instead.

  3. Where are the animal right protesters on abortions? Are human lives worth less than chickens? There are an estimated 40-50 million babies murdered per year worldwide!!! and not a word from these hypocrite protesters.

    Just keep in mind there was an entire nation, cultured, educated and sophisticated, who were famous for their animal rights protection, known as The Germans, who had no mercy for 6 million human beings and murdered them brutally and mercilessly but were protective over their dogs and used their dogs to assist in the murder of innocent people.

    #1 No problem with all forms of immorality. Everything is acceptable. But when moral upstanding people perform a minhag yisrael that has been done for many centuries, Jew haters and chareidi haters go up in arms.

  4. I have personally witnessed Tza’ar Ba’alei Chayim at several of these “kapparos” sites. What irks me even more during this season, is the commercialization of Judaism. It’s especially prominent during this season and I find it reprehensible. Enough said.

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